What do lovers discuss?

People often ask…


I finally got a girlfriend. But now I am stuck because I don’t know what to talk about with her when we’re together, we just stare and sex.

I always seem to run out of conversation topics. So what should I talk about with my

    Honestly, the “content” of the conversation with your girlfriend doesn’t really matter. What matters the most is the “communication” behind it.

    To a man, a conversation needs a purpose. But to a woman, the “heart”, not the actual purpose of the conversation, is what matters the most. A woman will feel secure and cared if a man is willing to spend a few minutes a day talking about everyday stuff.

    Try talking about what you did during the day or even what you had for lunch. Don’t worry if the conversation topics aren’t exciting. She only wants to talk to you.

    And if you’re REALLY stuck, then take on the role if the curious inquirer and ask your girlfriend about her day.

    She may go on and on about things that you don’t really care about. She may even jump from one story to another and not make much logical sense.

    But don’t worry – she’ll be happy talking to you, and that’s what really matters the most.

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